Thursday, January 6, 2011


i still hv a long way to go...
and im considering walking alone..

i dont need sympathy or cries..
its pathetic...

i dont need to act or beg...
its just not me much...

yeah.. i know.. no need to tell..
evrybody NEEDS somebody..
that's why im walking alone for now..
to be sure who really needs me and who doesnt...

i dont need the hustles and bustles of wasting conversations and actions..
its just too tiring... considering the people around me isnt think rationally much

life is pretty much simple.. dont make it complicated...
dont hv to create a diversity to attract empty attentions..

i need friends...
among whoever...
anybody who laughs and cry with me...
my friendship and love is priceless...
so dont worry about whoever you are..
if ur cashless or homeless...
we are how we look at ourselves...

for now.. yes...
im walking alone..
you may hold my hand while im walking along...
but i still consider...
walking alone...

p.s: after that long typing... i dont bother to read it again... opss for the typo...
Enhanced by Zemanta

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Mak Turut

 Everybody knows. My father was one of the greatest filmmakers in the industry in Malaysia. (not bragging) I only got to witness him in star...